Glitchy Bunny

baby rabbit hopping around

voice training

Suggested 2× daily warmup
All optional, do whatever you need
Flat notes - aim for 233 Hz (A#3)
Glides - up to comfortable note, try not to go below 156 Hz (D#3)
Can do in semi-supine if you want

Stretching / release
These are good to practice even if you don't end up voice training

  • - Face stretches
  • - Yawn
  • 3 × shoulder rolls
  • 5 × tongue circles each direction
  • - Count from 1-10 with tongue sticking out

Warm up lip trills
Do each until you're out of breath

  • 2 × long VOICELESS lip trills
  • 2 × flat note lip trills at anchor
  • 2 × lip trill waves (up and down in pitch)

Vocal Function Exercises (VFE)
Round 'wi' OR through a straw

  • 3 × flat pitch at anchor
  • 3 × glide up in pitch
  • 3 × glide down in pitch

Altered Focus of Resonance (AFR)
Long buzzy hum, concentrating the vocal energy at the front of your mouth
Tip: add lip spreading 😊

  • 2 × flat pitch at anchor
  • 1 × waves up and down

Chant these vowels at anchor:
2 × maahm - meeem - meerm - maawm - mooom
2 × vaahv - veeev - veerv - vaawv - vooov

Expressive Resonance
"Emotional expression"
Make sure movements are exaggerated and words clearly enunciated

Pant like a little dog - lead into 'hey! hey! hey!'

Say these words forward in the mouth - with a sharp, pointed tongue tip:
3 × Mate
3 × Bate
3 × Might
3 × Bite

Say the following × 3:
With nasal resonance: 'Mine all mine!'
With oral resonance: 'I'm sweet, sweet, sweet'